Thursday, 14 March 2013

any chance of a bit of humour?

Get in on this post for seatbelt, speeding and road safety based humour...


  1. Jess and myself were improvising the Dirty Dan scene and ended up using a James Dean joke, Is this in bad taste people?

  2. Not related to the post but here are some of the songs I can think of to be played throughout each persons scenes.

    Guns N' Roses - November Rain (Brilliant song with a lengthy intro, instantly recognisable by anyone post 16 so it's not great for the children but the adults will know it). Incidentally, if we used the whole song it would last the entire piece.

    Baba O reilly - Who (I doubt it would fit the mood of the piece but it is a good song with a lengthy intro).

    baker street - gerry rafferty (Instantly recognisable song and it's great).

    Sunshine of Your Love - Cream (I admit, I am biased. I love Clapton and this is an iconic piece of music though it may not be the most suitable for the mood of the piece).

    Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison (Great song, upbeat, perfect for Jess' part).

    London Calling - The Clash (Instantly recognisable and upbeat)

    Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners

    Call me crazy but I think that Superstition by Stevie Wonder is perfect for Dirty Dan's scene. It would flow great.

    She Sells Sanctuary - The Cult (I'm thinking maybe for Robert's monologue).

    Don't Stop Believing - Journey (G.R.E.A.T. Song).

    Where the Streets Have No Name - U2 (Gorgeous Song. Maybe as an outro or during the physical theatre part).

    Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet (For the intro + Physical).

    Thrift Shop - Macklemore + Ryan Lewis (Probably instrumental).

    1. Could you just tell me what scenes there for or do they follow the same order as the run through?

    2. Sorry I couldn't see the brackets my fault sorry.

    3. I completly agree wityh the stevie wonder, It just fits perhaps if we have the intro loud then slowly turn the volume the down.

    4. Yeah, the actual lyrics shouldn't be a problem, they don't start until a little way through and they're so well known that people probably won't be listening to them anyway.

  3. Ironically I found a version of thrift shop karaoke style it's pretty scarey but it's kinda funny I mean it's just a continuous beat its really weird wha lyrics do to a song anyway yeah I'm thinking maybe we could stick to the other songs and see if there's karaoke styles or we could just use some of them ones up there ^^^^^

    1. I listened to this and it is really creepy, think if we try it with the scene and see where it goes, theres no harm in trying.

    2. Well yeah, the "other songs" are up there, apart from the ones that we decided didn't fit. Granted some of the ones up there may not be appropriate but I though I would find an eclectic mix. Oh and all of the above are instantly recognisable, have a long intro or are easy to loop.


    Some amusing image based humour which i found with Google

  5. we keep taking about relatabilty for the kids i was thinking we change some of the music to be more relatable to the kids so i was thinking for the dirty dan scene we use shut up and drive and for the and then scene we use like the one direction version of one way or another with them being relatively popular songs most kids and adults alike are going to relate to it more :) just an idea anyone doesnt like it do tell me so i can change it/ find away around it
